Tensorfield Jetty shortlisted for World FIRA Ag Robot of the Year 2024

Ag Robot of the Year 2024

Tensorfield’s Jetty was one of five field and harvest robot finalists in the global Ag Robot of the Year 2024 award, organized by Future Farming and World FIRA. The five finalists were selected by the Future Farming editorial team and researchers of robotics and precision agriculture from Wageningen University & Research (WUR).

The robot finalists were selected from the population of all new field and harvest robot entries listed in the 2024 edition of the Future Farming Robot Buying Guide, which now catalogs over 60 agricultural robots for outdoor crop production that farmers can acquire or lease.

The Tensorfield team was unfortunately unable to attend the 2024 World FIRA event near Toulouse, France, but we are grateful for the recognition and thrilled to be included alongside such exciting technology providers as we all strive to shape the future of food production, ensuring the security of safe, affordable and nutritious food for generations to come.